Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Long Exposures

Final Shot For The Project Long Exposures
Photo By: Kasea Horn

Long exposure or also known as time exposure is basically just using a slow shutter speed to capture non moving objects and to also catch fast moving objects while blurring the objects.  To get the an image like the one above you want to make sure you think of a place that has fast moving objects and doesn't have any distracting stationary objects. Once you find your location you set up your tripod, you're going to want a tripod because with a slow shutter speed your going to need to hold the camera in place and with a tripod you insure that your image stays the same. After you set up your tripod your going to adjust your settings according and its as simple as that. once you get your image editing is really simple you just o your basic edits and adjust the colors to your liking. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pop Art

My final image for the Pop Art Project.
Photo By: Kasea Horn

Honestly so far this year , Pop Art has been the most difficult project. Taking the pictures is easy but once you get to editing it is really a lot of steps. With this project you first want to get the images of your subject. You want to use a tripod for this so you make sure that every shot is the same, also remember you want to make sure your settings stay the same. Once you get your images of your subject you go into photo shop, you do your basic edits first. then you want to cut out your image so you just have the subjects face and upper body cut out. After this step your going to want to cut out the photo so it resembles Pop Art. Still not done!!! After this step your going to drag your image to a new canvas and you do this for every image. Once all your images are on the new canvas you go in and change the color of each image. Its a really long process but once it is done it looks really cool.