Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Long Exposures

Final Shot For The Project Long Exposures
Photo By: Kasea Horn

Long exposure or also known as time exposure is basically just using a slow shutter speed to capture non moving objects and to also catch fast moving objects while blurring the objects.  To get the an image like the one above you want to make sure you think of a place that has fast moving objects and doesn't have any distracting stationary objects. Once you find your location you set up your tripod, you're going to want a tripod because with a slow shutter speed your going to need to hold the camera in place and with a tripod you insure that your image stays the same. After you set up your tripod your going to adjust your settings according and its as simple as that. once you get your image editing is really simple you just o your basic edits and adjust the colors to your liking. 


  1. Nice picture ! I really like how you captured both sides of the roads so you can see both colors.

  2. I love that photo I wonder where you took it. xD
