Sunday, September 8, 2013

Double Exposure

My final photo for the Double Exposer project in Photo 2.
Photo By: Kasea Horn

Well to get this photo the first thing I had to do was get a close up shot on my face, include shoulders as well. So I had Kristen take the photo for me. When getting this photo you need a blank background , it’s easier to work with once you get into Photoshop. After you do this you want to find a large image. It needs to be large or your image isn’t going to align with the photo of yourself. This part gets tricky. Once you have chosen both images you , copy and paste the picture on the image of the background whatever you choose. From there you want to select the part around your face make sure you get clean lines doing this. After that step , you will want to erase everything that is not selected. It sounds like a lot of steps but it really isn’t that difficult. Honestly for me the hardest part was trying to find an image that would fit the image of myself.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you did a rainbow background with this. I feel like this is a good reflection of your personality.
