Wednesday, September 4, 2013

About Me

This Is Me.
Photo By: Lily Espinoza

My name is Kasea , I am currently a sophomore at Orange Glen High School. Born and raised in Escondido , California. My life pretty much consists of going to school and keeping up with school work. I work really hard to keep a high grade point average and that takes a lot of hard work so I do not have time for much time for anything else. I am involved in cheer this year , which is also a big part of my life , between school, homework , practices and games i hardly get a chance to catch my breath. If I get lucky and actually have sometime to myself I usually just spend it with my friends and family. Just going to the beach, going to the movies , going shopping just simple things. It isn't much but that's basically my life.

Recently though I have been getting involved in photography ,now  I'm not going to lie to you , photography isn't my passion, however i really enjoy it , but i don't see myself perusing a photography career. I just found it to be amazing that photography isn't just about picking up a camera and taking a picture. There is actually alot more behind it and that is what drew me to getting involved in photography.

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