Tuesday, September 17, 2013


My final Panoramic image taken at Lake Hodges
Photo By: Kasea Horn

This type of photo is called a Panoramic. A panoramic is basically taking multiple images of one lanscape and putting them all together to get one large image you wouldn't usually be able to get. To get this image I took several shots slowly moving each time. Each time you take a shot you want to remember to keep each shot in focus and make sure the settings stay the same for each photo. The next step would be editing , in photo shop you just merge the photos together, flatten image and then crop out the image. Its a pretty simple process. The hardest part of this project for me was finding a good location. I thought maybe the beach , but I ended up going to Lake Hodges, it was a clear beautiful day it was perfect for shooting. 


  1. Nice choice of space to take a Panoramic ! I like how you can see people actually enjoying the lake down below.

  2. I love how yours has a focus on the foreground instead of the mountainside in the background. The field and tree branches provide an awesome natural "frame" and although the people are a bit distracting, it still is an awesome image

  3. this is just wow :) it captures the hidden beauty in Escondido most people dont know about
